0Thursday. 30th [September 1869]—Villa Careggi, Florence
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 September 1869 — Villa Careggi, Florence
Thursday. 30th [September 1869]. We took an affecate farewell of the Sloanes and went to the train leaving Florence at 10.50. Monsignore went to see us off. At the station came to see us off Boxall & the Viglianis. We went only to the station before Perugia to stay with Ct Gian Carlo & Css Conestabile at their country house Monte Mellino. Css C. & her youngest son met us at the station. We found them living only in a corner of the house as they are rebuilding & painting the outside bright red. We dined at 7. Besides the Ct & Css & their 2 sons there was a Mr Waddington who had come from Perugia to dine & sleep. He is syndic of Perugia & is married to the celebrated beauty the Marchese Fiorensi. He is a naturalized Italian & uncle to the Mr Waddington who lives at Paris.

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