0Monday. 18th [October 1869]—Susa
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 October 1869 — Susa
Monday. 18th [October 1869]. There we had to change & came by train over the Mont Cenis. The officials at Susa were very rude & a Mr Mitchell one of the Mont Cenis managers who was in the carriage with us & who was most civil, said he hoped Henry would complain of them formally. At Jean S. Michel we had a very good lunch & there we met all the Anthony Rothschilds. Part of the way we travelled in the same carriage with them & we got out at Mâcon at about 9 in the eveng while they all went on to Paris direct. There was Sir Anthony who was suffering from the gout & went in a coupé by himself—Lady R—& her two daughters besides a friend whose name I did not hear.

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