0Thursday. 18th [November 1869]—Walmer Castle, Kent
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 November 1869 — Walmer Castle, Kent
Thursday. 18th [November 1869]. We had to be up very early in order to drive to Dover to cross by the 9.30 boat. The fog was as thick as ever but the calm complete. We got to Dover just in time to register the luggage. On the pier we met Mrs Burr & Arthur & his tutor. We had a little talk with them before starting. As the fog made it wet & chill Henry took a deckcabin wherein we shut ourselves & we had a delicious passage. The fog was so thick more than ½ way across that they had to keep the whistle going nearly the whole time, nevertheless it was quite fine when we got to Calais & we had had such a good passage that we had an hour to wait before the train started. We had some lunch & then sat on the platform & found Capt: Hobart the consul there—also Mr & Mrs J. Woodford who are staying a few days here. Henry also introduced me to Railway King Hudson who lives here & whose only amusement seems to be seeing the trains & boats arrive. He is a wonderful old man as cheerful as possible tho’ he has not a 1d who once was almost a King. He is stout bald old & shabby & his English anything but good– One felt quite sorry for him. We got to Paris at ½ past 6 & Antoine met us & we went to our old quarters in the Rue des Dauphin no. 7 & were glad of our dinner.

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