0Friday. 19th [November 1869]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 November 1869 — Paris
Friday. 19th [November 1869]. I had sent word to ask the de Peyronnets to take me out shopping so at 12 Madeleine came. Georgy Duff Gordon came to see us—also Cornelia. She & Ivor are at the Westminster. Madeleine & I went to a dressmaker & ordered 2 dresses & also ordered some bonnets & after we had done our shopping we took a fiacre & went to the Rue Pigalle where I left her & payed a visit to her mother. Henry & I dined early at home as we intended going to the play. In the middle of dinner the door opens & who should walk in but Mr Clark (G.T.)—we welcomed him & recalled the dinner. He is on his way home from Naples where he parted with the Talbots & gave up going with them to the opening of the Suez Canal on acct of sea sickness. There had been paragraphs in the papers saying Mr Talbot was to be made a peer & Mr Clark would take his place & come in for the county, of course we concluded it was true but Mr C. said he had heard nothing abt it & had not been consulted & must see what Ivor thought. We went off to the theatre & left Mr C. to go & see Ivor. We saw “La Chatte Blanche” wh is a faerie & very much like our pantomimes & we soon had had eno’ of it & were glad to get home & found Mr Clark & had tea & a chat.

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