0Wednesday. 29th [December 1869]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 December 1869 — Madrid
Wednesday. 29th [December 1869]. Spanish lesson. Busy all the morning packing & getting ready for the messenger who went off by 3 o’cl: train. The post came in at 12 the line having been at last cleared of the snow & ice by 3 or 400 soldiers wh were sent to do it. There were so many days post that the sorting took so long they sent us our letters in three relays. Dr Brehm came & told us he saw the coachman & he has gastric fever but he thinks he will get over it. Just as I was going out driving, they came & said the porter’s child had been found dead. On enquiring it proved to be the baby of 4 months who died in the night. I was again starting when the marquis & marquesa de Vega came & sat a long time & talked a good deal of politics. They were very bitter against Olozaga who is expected every day from Paris & whom they pretend is very much disliked & is not much known in good society. When they were gone we went to the Buen Retiro & got out & walked but it was exceedingly cold & the sun was low. The ice on the reservoir was abt 1½ inch thick. We came home by 5. I had letters from all my sisters today. They say the Regent, Prim & the rest returned yesterday from their shooting expedition. After dinner we played flute & piano & a game of mandola–

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