0Wednesday. 23rd [February 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 February 1870 — Madrid
Wednesday. 23rd [February 1870]. Henry’s cold still bad & he got up late– I went out in the afternoon & to Mme Riaño on the chance that she would go with me. She came down dressed but said she had promised to go out with her sister in law—but we went to “Soriano’s” to see some things—tables & plates from Toledo. We told the man to bring them the next day to show Henry, & I went on with my drive leaving notes &c & one to ask Dr Brehm to come to see Henry. In the evening I went to the Opera. Mr Ash: dined with us & he & I went to the Opera but Henry’s cold prevented him going. Mme Bauer took me. The House was crammed—the first time I have seen it so—as it was Terni’s benefit & we saw a great many people we knew. I did not care for much for the music which was different scenes & pieces except the last act of Othello which she always does to perfection. With rather an ugly face—long thin arms, ungraceful movements & a very small voice—it is wonderful what effect Terni makes—being such a thorough musician & good actress. She had all kinds of bouquets & crowns of flowers thrown her & also white doves, with their wings tied with red or blue ribbons, were let loose from the boxes & fluttered to the stage. She caught them & taking them in her arms kissed them thereby greatly pleasing the people & calling down fresh thunders of applause.

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