0Monday. 4th [April 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 April 1870 — Madrid
Monday. 4th [April 1870]. I wrote in the morning and the Russian Greek priest came to see us abt the Canning child he still has the cough—as he went Lady Ely came—& sat with us at lunch time & afterwards sat with me another hour. At 4 Cerruti came & we took him out in the carriage with us & we went to several bazaars to buy presents for the children who are coming [to] play at our house tomorrow. We dined at 7 & immediately afterwards Henry went for the first time to the Academy of Fine Arts of which he has been made a member & I sat reading till he came back & then a few people dropped in the Riaños Hunts Palmaroli, Ojedra, Ramon de Navarrete &c &c and we had some music. Mr Hunt sang & we had some difficulty in getting him to allow his wife to sing as he said she had a sore throat & he got furious but had to give in & she & I sang our duets “Mira la blanca luna” by Campana & the 1st duet in the Vestale by Mercadante.

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