0Wednesday. 13th [April 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 April 1870 — Madrid
Wednesday. 13th [April 1870]. I spent most of the morning arranging Hill’s room & preparing it for Genl Sir Fenwick Williams who is coming tomorrow. In afternoon at 4 Henry rode & Mrs Hunt came here to take a drive with me & I made her put me on my “manta” which I wore for the 1st time. I was rather shy in it and glad that we did not go much thro’ the streets but only to the Casa de Campo. We met Henry there & he showed us a road I had not been by before which was exceedingly pretty. Coming back we met Mr Seymour also riding. Mrs Hunt did not come back to tea as Mr Hunt was laid up with a cold & she went home at once. We spent a quiet eveng & went on arranging papers like last night and putting Henry’s correspondence in order.

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