0Saturday. 16th [April 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 April 1870 — Madrid
Saturday. 16th [April 1870]. Directly after breakfast Sir Chas: Dilke called & then when Mr Cole appeared Henry took them off to see the Armoury. At 12 I went off to sit to Palmaroli & Mrs Hunt met me there. Henry & Mama also came to see the portrait & to fetch me home & Mme Bauer also came to sit after me & to offer us tickets for the Bull fight on Monday & just as we were going away Cerruti also came in to see the pictures—so we left him there & rushed home to lunch & then they all went out excepting me. Le marquis del Cerro came to tell me that the Regent was going away tomorrow to Caravanchel & could not receive Genl Williams on Sunday night so I arranged he should go tonight. Before he had gone Mme de Martino came & said her child was better & she sat & had tea with us. Mr Cole dined with us and was very entertaining & we sat talking a long time after dinner. The Hunts, Inzenga, Riaños & Cerruti came in the eveng & we had some music but Mr Hunt is not yet well eno’ to sing. She sang & also danced with Mr Riaño to our great amusement, Mme Riaño playing the Castañets & I beating time. Inzenga also sang some Spanish airs & Mrs H & [I] sang duets & we passed a very pleasant evening.

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