0Saturday. 30th [April 1870]—Seville
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 April 1870 — Seville
Saturday. 30th [April 1870]. In the morning we went to the Alcazar or old Moorish Palace which is still preserved & where till within a few years the Duc de Montpensier resided. The gardens are lovely & kept up very well & there were quantities of flowers nightingales &c– & the gardener gave me a rose for my mantilla. The little kiosk in the garden lined with tiles inside & out struck us very much & then we went inside the Palace & saw it all & it is in very good preservation—afterwards we went to call on Mrs Williams & she showed us some old things she had got for us to see amongst wh was a set of antique jewelry set in garnets & pearls, a large pair of earrings & a large brooch which we finally bought for £8. We then went off to get some luncheon at the Café Suisse & then took a carriage & drove to see the church of Sta Paula wh is a nunnery & has some beautiful tiles & a fine retablo & the nuns all the while were chanting their prayers behind the screen & making a doleful noise. We also went to the Hospital de las cinco Llagas & then told the driver to take us to Triana wh he refused to do saying he had another engagement at 4 so after a fuss we went back to the hotel & got another carriage & then drove off to Triana to the church of Sta Anna wh is very interesting & has a very curious old picture of the Virgin. We then went to a pottery shop & bought some of the common rough but very picturesque Triana pottery & then went home rather tired & got some dinner– After dinner the del Cerro’s came to call on us & Mr Will: came with the letters. We had news that Grannie was ill with Sciatica & we had several letters.

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