0Tuesday. 17th [May 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 May 1870 — Madrid
Tuesday. 17th [May 1870]. We breakfasted at ½ past 9 & at 10 I went out riding with Henry & Santiago (as they call him here) the English coachman of the Duke of Ossuna whom Henry had commissioned to find me a horse. The one he got me is an Andalusian barb like those painted by Velasquez & very quiet. We rode a little way along the Mon Cloa but came home a little after 11 & I changed my things & went at 12 to sit to Palmaroli till 2. While at lunch Mr Riaño came to see Henry & also the Marquis de Molino & directly after M. Ojedra with the promised letters & he talked some time with us & he & I discussed lace. Mrs Burr went out to the Casa de Campo to draw. Henry & I went out driving at 5 & went first to leave some cards at Hotel de Paris & on the way saw the 2 little Serranos, Venturita & Pepito & took them up in the carriage & went to the Casa de Campo. Just as we got there we fell in with the Regent & Dss & Conchita &c. riding & afterwards saw Mme Karnicky driving & Mercier & Brosé riding. We fetched Mr Burr & went home & dressed at once as we dined at Mme Montijo’s at a great dinner she gave to celebrate the success of the Plebiscite. There were lots of grandees ex ministers &c &c. I was taken in by                & sat by the Duke of Alba who was very pleasant but curiously like the Emperor of the French. It was very hot & altogether a very wearisome affair tho’ my old friend                was very goodnatured & complimentary—but he mumbled very unintelligible French. We were glad to slip away soon after the dinner after a little talk to Mme Montijo & then to her niece Mme Nava de Tajo who is very goodnatured.

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