0Tuesday. 24th [May 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 May 1870 — Madrid
Tuesday. 24th [May 1870]. Henry got up very early but I slept on having a bit of a headache. I wrote in morng till Mr Whyte came to call & at 12 I made him walk me round to Palmaroli’s where I had a sitting till 2 & then Henry fetched me home & I copied his letters for him & got them done & the post sent off before I could have my luncheon. I then copied some more & being tired went & laid down & dozed till Hy called me to tea at 5. I then dressed & we went out for a ride in the Casa de Campo & got home at 7.30. Mr C. Seymour, Mr Gayangos, Mr Paget & Sir John McNeill dined. The latter gave me a commission to find his daughter a mantilla.

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