0Tuesday. 31st [May 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 May 1870 — Madrid
Tuesday. 31st [May 1870]. At 10 to sit to Palmaroli & at 12 Hy fetched me. Very hot & stormy. We rode at 6 to the Casa. After dinner we went in to the Canitz—found Mme Karnicky who is very pleased & excited at being in an interesting state after so many years. We had gone to the Palace for a few minutes before going to the Canitz & the Dss had told me that yesterday she was to have taken Mme K. out driving but that when she called for her she cooly sent down word she couldn’t go with the Dss as it was lightning & she was told it was very injurious to people in her state to go out whilst lightning!

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