0Thursday. 2nd [June 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 June 1870 — Madrid
Thursday. 2nd [June 1870]. I wrote in the morng for Henry & put up some flowers; Giovanni had got some lovely carnations & roses– I practised the Seguidilla I am learning to play & wrote a long letter to Mrs Rate. After I applied my self to mending my great green fan called a “pericon” here. Henry went off to a bullfight with the Regent & Mrs Burr & I went for a drive to call on Mme Riaño & also to the Fuente & try vainly to find a large fan– We came home just in time to dress for dinner having Mr Gayangos & Mr Le Moine & Sr de Blas to dinner. A few people came in to tea. Mr Le Moine having an engagement at 9½ went away & returned. He has come here for a fortnight or so in order to write on Spain in the “Debats”. He is a small slim dark little man—intelligent looking & otherwise plain– The Canitz’ came, Mercier, P. Madrazo & several others in the evening, & Mr & Mrs Griffin & a friend & Miss Spencer came in eveng. They are cousins of Cap Churchill—also Col Mallet was with them.

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