0Wednesday. 15th [June 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 June 1870 — Madrid
Wednesday. 15th [June 1870]. Very hot at 5 we set off to drive to the Quinta to see Mme Bedmar. It is abt ¾ hour drive—a dusty road but a pretty place when you get there. Mr Bedmar was away at Paris. We only stayed ¼ hour as we had to get back to dinner at 8 & a great thunder shower came on just [as] we got in to Madrid. The Riaños & Palmaroli dined with us– Inzenga came in the evening & we spent it in hearing him play Spanish music & he showed me some he is going to teach me—so we spent a pleasant eveng & dispersed at 11–

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