0Wednesday. 22nd [June 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 June 1870 — Madrid
Wednesday. 22nd [June 1870]. Began the business of packing to go to La Granja. Also wrote letters—but the heat was excessive. Inzenga came & gave me a singing lesson– At 5 I went out in the carriage, fetched Mme Riaño & went shopping & drove in the Fuente & left P.P.C. cards. Henry rode at 6 with Mercier. After dinner we went to the Palace for a few minutes to make some enquiries of the Dss abt our journey to La Granja on Saturday—on leaving we drove to the Prussian Embassy to see if we could see the Canitz but they had gone to bed– We enjoyed the drive the carriage being open—but it was still very hot.

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