0Monday. 27th [June 1870]—La Granja
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 June 1870 — La Granja
Monday. 27th [June 1870]. The post arrived before breakfast & brought me letters from Maria & Bee. I copied a letter to Lord Clarendon for Henry & then we went & took a walk in the gardens & sat reading & working there till ½ past 12 when I went to “sew” with the Dss that being her great amusement. At 2 I came home to luncheon & wrote & worked till tea time & I dressed & then the Rt & Dss came to call for us & took us for a drive to show us some property the Regent had just bought & we came home just in time for dinner. I read aloud out of Stanley’s Westminster to Hy & we then played a game of Mandola.

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