0Wednesday. 29th [June 1870]—La Granja
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 June 1870 — La Granja
Wednesday. 29th [June 1870]. As it is St Peter’s day & a feast the Dss did not have me to sew. At 8 o’cl: we took a delicious ride up a path in the mountains in the pine wood. It was a lovely morning & a nice shady ride & we went a good way & found some nice wild flowers & we returned to breakfast at 10. I sat working all day & trying to feed the bird who seemed pretty happy but in the eveng we found him dead. Conchita & Mlle came to say the Dss was going to ride in the evening so I said I would drive & take out Ventura & Pepa & Mlle. Henry went with the Regent to the Bullfight at Segovia & came home to dinner after wh I read a little more Stanley but as we were up early for our ride we were tired & retired early.

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