0Thursday. 30th [June 1870]—La Granja
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 June 1870 — La Granja
Thursday. 30th [June 1870]. I worked till 12.30 when I went to “the sew” with the Dss found her rather indisposed but we worked in comparative silence till 2 when I returned & copied for Henry. After lunch Palmaroli came with his wife to call at 5 we went out driving to Valsain at the bridge we got out & walked up the stream & coming back Henry fished but caught nothing. & then we drove home to dinner dining at the Regent’s. We met the Echegarays & her sister. They are both handsome people but ordinary & vulgar & when they had departed were very much found fault with by the gentlemen. The Dss was unwell & in a bad humour so we came away early & I did not feel very well & was glad to get to bed.

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