0Friday. 1st July [1870]—La Granja
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 July 1870 — La Granja
Friday. 1st July [1870]. The Dss sent me word not to go & sew as she was not better so I worked at home & copied for Henry. After lunch we had a visit from Conchita who brought me the little white kitten she had promised me. It is not a month old & I am afraid it wont be easy to rear it. I had a basket & some flannel, got & put it in & tried to feed it with milk wh was not easy. At 5 we went out & drove some little way beyond Valsain & then Henry fished & we had to cross the stream so Tomas put stepping stones across for us. Tho’ Henry only caught one trout we enjoyed the walk as it was very pretty & a lovely eveng. We walked down to Valsain Bridge where we got into the carriage & came home.

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