0Saturday. 2nd July [1870]—La Granja
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 July 1870 — La Granja
Saturday. 2nd July [1870]. We got up at 7 & rode at 8 going to the Regent’s property & trying to follow the stream wh we could not do very far as there was no path so we turned back & went by another road & came home to breakfast at 10. At 12.30 I went to the Casa de los Canonicos to sew with the Dss & came home at 2. I wrote out a long dispatch for Henry a letter to Mme Riaño, read & worked till 5; we then went out to where we went this morning & Henry tried to fish & caught nothing—till 2 guards came & told us there was no fish there & no path higher up & showed us a short cut to the Segovia rd where the carriage was waiting for us. We found Tomas had gone down by the river to meet us so we were obliged to go without him. We drove on a little further along the Segovia Road & then home as it was windy & cold. After dinner I read some of Stanley aloud & then went early to bed.

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