0Monday. 4th [July 1870]—La Granja
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 July 1870 — La Granja
Monday. 4th [July 1870]. Henry got up & rode at 8 but I did not get up till after breakfast—& at 12.30 went to the Dss’ as usual– She was in high spirits & full of this affair of the King. She said he was Prince of Hohenzollern & sent to the Regent for his photograph & for that of the Princess to show me. She said that Prim & the ministers were coming this evening to talk to the Regent abt it & hold a Council & that if they decided to have the Prince the Cortès will be called. That the Emperor Napoleon would probably be furious as the Prince is a Prussian & that most likely it will lead to war with France– That this Prince is the “fourth candidate” of Prim’s speech. By his photo I should say he is handsome & his wife exceedingly so. I went home to luncheon & told Henry all this & wrote some letters & read “Cloister Life of Charles V”– At 6 I dressed for riding & the Dss & Regt & Parco, Conchita, Sr Lopez Dominguez, Baron Benifayo, Sr Alvareda & another A.D.C. called for us & we took a drive to the Casa de Vacas, & round by the Segovia road intending to leave the Dss & Concha at home & go along the road to meet the Ministers. We had turned out of the road when they were discovered to be approaching & we galloped back to the road. Prim, Sagasta Reviro & Figuerola were in the 1st carriage with a gend’armes in the rumble, there being also one in that of the 2nd carriage wh contained Moret &               . We all then followed home– After dinner I read to Henry some of Stanley & after 10 Baron Benifayo came to ask Henry if he would accompany the Ministers to Segovia at 5. Henry accepted but finding it meant 5 in the morning at once declined. Reviro & one or two others are going & at 8 intend to be back so Henry said he would meet them at 8 & go over the Palace & then see the fountains with them– As soon as Baron B. had gone Sr Scipion Morillo came on the same errand not knowing that Baron B had been here. He said they had just finished dinner & the Council had just begun. He also told us that a young man a friend of his had yesterday been assassinated at Madrid. It appears he was a secretary of the F.O & held Carlist opinions hence the cause of his murder & that it had occasioned some little disturbance in Madrid.

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