0Wednesday. 13th [July 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 July 1870 — Madrid
Wednesday. 13th [July 1870]. I wrote all the morning. Early in the afternoon Mme Karnicky came to see me & sat with me some time. She was very laughable abt “l’etat où je suis à present” & recounted to me all her imaginary aches & pains & amused me vastly. I went on with my embroidery & Mercier came in & seemed very low abt the state of things– Del Cerro also came to see Henry abt his going to present a letter to the Regt announcing the birth of Pss Christian’s last baby and he told me the Regt intended to call on me tomorrow. When they were all gone & I had had some tea Henry & I went for a little stroll—we merely went into the Palace Square to get a little fresh air—we saw the Merciers at their windows as we came in so I went up to sew there. She talks of starting for Barège with the children on Sunday. Poor Madeleine looks very pale & ill still. The Hunts dined with us & Cerruti dropped in at the end of dinner—still no further news– We played over Spanish songs in the eveng.

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