0Wednesday. 20th [July 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 July 1870 — Madrid
Wednesday. 20th [July 1870]. I applied myself to getting on with my embroidery & spent nearly the whole day at it only stopping to copy a short note for Henry. The post brought a letter from Ivor. At ½ past 5 Clarita came to bid us goodbye as she goes to morrow to some watering place. I then dressed & we went out riding with Mercier along the Mon Cloa & had a very pleasant ride. Of course Mercier was full of all this affair of the war & could talk of nothing else. We returned from Mon C. by the upper road and had a lovely view of the setting sun & a cloudless sky. We returned to dinner at 8 & afterwards drove to the Retiro where there was a concert. We met a good many people—Del Cerro, Sickles & Canitz. He told me that he had no news—but there was a report that firing had been heard off [illegible word] which he did not believe. He said France might perfectly have avoided a war, as soon as Prince Leopold had retired; all pretext for it was gone & they were determined to fight. He did not seem to think the war could be short. Where will it end? We came home at ½ past 11.

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