0Sunday. 4th [September 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 September 1870 — Madrid
Sunday. 4th [September 1870]. This morning at 8 oclock Giovanni knocked at our door to wake us & called thro’ the door that there was a letter for Henry and that the Correspondencia was out & that there were some very important news that Marshal MacMahon was wounded & had surrendered with his whole army & that the Emperor had also given himself up prisoner. Henry got up at once & found a telegram from Eng: & a letter from De Blas confirming it. It appears the French were at Sedan. At 2 De Blas came to call & brought more telegrams for Hy to see saying that the news had caused great alarm at Paris that the Corps Legislatif were to meet tonight at 12 & settle some government & he De Blas said that if a Republic were proclaimed in France there wd be a movement in that direction here. In the afternoon Del Cerro came but Hy was out. He told me that the King had asked if the Emp: were in Sedan & it was denied. However the next morning the Emp: presented & surrendered himself in an open carriage & four with his A.D.Cs. Henry went to the Bull fight & I took Mrs Hunt out driving & her child. Mr Goschen & Sey: dined with us. After dinner M. Bernar came in for a little time & then Cerruti. He went to the F.O. for news but there either was none or else the Govt are keeping it quiet for a few hours.

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