0Friday. 9th [September 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 September 1870 — Madrid
Friday. 9th [September 1870]. Still feverish. Mr Bernar called also Del Cerro & the de la Rochefoucauld. He brought his wife (late Mrs Cavendish) to be introduced to me. She is very plain & not very young. At ½ past 5 we took a short ride, for the first time since my fall & Prim went very well. The Regent’s children also came to see me this afternoon looking all the better for their stay at La Granja. After dinner we went to the Regency & the Dss showed us all the living rooms & the children in bed. The Dss’s room is gorgeous all done with white satin but the taste of the furniture is bad French.

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