0Sunday. 11th [September 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 September 1870 — Madrid
Sunday. 11th [September 1870]. This afternoon we went to see Mme Montijo having heard that it was her fête day. We went abt ½ past 4 & found her sitting on the terrace out of the drawing room window. She seemed calmer tho’ she appeared to me much broken. However, she told me that now the Empress was safe out of Paris she was happy. She said that she had passed a dreadful time when she thought that at any moment a ball might take the Emperor’s life & a dagger pierce her daughter’s body. She said she should be quite in her former “asiento” when she cd know that the 3 were reunited. She said the Empr & Pce Impl were at Hastings & she thought that when the Empr was released they would go to live in Switzerland where the Empr has a fine chateau and she added “Oh my dear, a throne is not such a desirable thing especially in this century, I hope the Empress may now spend a happy life in peace. She tells me she is going to bring up her son in quite a different manner than hitherto & teach him never to think again of a throne.” We came home to dinner at ½ past 7 & Messrs Goschen & Seymour dined with us. After dinner we had a great thunderstorm. Henry went to Prims but did not stay late.

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