0Saturday. 17th [September 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 September 1870 — Madrid
Saturday. 17th [September 1870]. At 11 I went to breakfast at the Regency & met there Olozaga who arrived this morning from Paris having been recalled on account of the displeasure of the Govt at his having against their instructions recognized the Republic at Paris. After breakfast we sewed (the Duchess & I) till 3 o’cl when the carriage fetched me. At 5 Henry & I went out again to the station to see poor Mercier off & nearly all the Corps Diplomatique were there & were all sorry to lose him. After he was gone we drove in the Fuente but it was windy & dusty. The Govr of Madrid (Gomez) Mr Blondeel & Señor Martos dined with us & Cerruti came in the evening. He brought us news of Italians being in Rome & the Pope making no resistance but a stipulation that he should retain the Castle of St Angels & his Leonine city & there was great discussion abt this, Martos & Henry foresee that this will not last long.

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