0Sunday. 16th [October 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 October 1870 — Madrid
Sunday. 16th [October 1870]. Went to church at 11½. At 3½ Henry went to the last bullfight of the season– I went out at 4 & fetched Emilia to drive in the Fuente with me—there we picked up Henry & brought him home. Mr St John our chargé d’affaires at Hayti dined with us—also Mr Alleyne a nephew of Austen Bruce’s & Messrs Go: & Sey: Mr St John told us interesting but horrible stories of the cannibalism or Fetishism in Hayti & seems a very nice man. Mr A. is quite young rather prosy with the pretence of some knowledge wh as he stutters rather is wearisome. I went to bed rather with the “creeps” after Mr St John’s stories.

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