0Monday. 24th [October 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 October 1870 — Madrid
Monday. 24th [October 1870]. Breakfast in bed & at 11 went to sit to Pal: While talking he told me there had been an aurora borealis last night at 8 & I lamenting exceedingly not having seen it. At 1 o’cl: he brought me home– At ½ past 3 I was going to join Henry & fetch him at the F.O. when Mme Weisweiller & Mme Ettling & Miss Weisweiller called—as soon as I got rid of them I rushed off for Henry & luckily found him & we went to call on the Karnickys & found her in. We then did some commissions & I went for a few minutes to the Regency to see the Dss & found her going out but very unwell so we agreed to put off a childs fête at the Casa de Campo till she was well. I was sitting writing with the window open watching in case there was an aurora when at 6½ Palmaroli came in to say he had come to tell me there was an aurora– I was looking out of the boudoir window forgetting that I ought to have looked N. We at once went to the top of the small tower & saw it very well—& it was very brilliant. We told Pal: to come back at 7½ & dine with us which he did we also had the Count Nava de Tajo, Cerruti & Mr Ash. After dinner Mr Ash: & I arranged postage stamps wh I am collecting for Mme Bauer. I have already 1400.

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