0Tuesday. 25th [October 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 October 1870 — Madrid
Tuesday. 25th [October 1870]. Went to sit to Palmaroli & the Riaños joined me there & then came home with us. Mr R. went off to his work & E. went with us at 2 to a concert at the Circo de Madrid led by Monasterio. A young man “Beck” played the piano very wonderfully—that is with great execution, & an amateur Senta de San Martino sang. The concert was over abt 4½ & then we took a turn in the Fuente & so home– Dined alone & afterwards went to spend the eveng with the De Martinos—(Italian Secretary) & met Cerruti, Cabriani & the La Rochefoucaulds—did not stay late as I had a headache.

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