0Wednesday. 2nd [November 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 November 1870 — Madrid
Wednesday. 2nd [November 1870]. Spent the morng turning my birds into their new cage. I also worked away at the little frock for Kate & wrote a great deal for Henry; after lunch we took a ride & coming home by the Calle de Leganitos some boys kept whistling as they often had done before to frighten the horses & succeeded in frightening mine. Henry was furious & called a policeman & went to the Alcalde & got them taken up. Cerruti dined with us & after dinner got a cyphered telegram & sent for Cabriani to decypher it wh he did & brought it to him here. Cerruti was in a great state of excitement as there was a meeting at the Senado close here to discuss the candidature of the Duke of Aosta.

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