0Wednesday. 16th [November 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 November 1870 — Madrid
Wednesday. 16th [November 1870]. I wrote a good deal & so Henry took Car to Pals. I had a singing lesson at 1 & directly after lunch Henry & Mr Ashburnham went off to the Cortès to see the votation of the Duke of Aosta as the Govt Candidate for the throne of Spain. Car & I did not go as a Revolution or republican row was rather expected. We took a drive out of the town to the Casa de Campo & then when we came in did some tapestry mending as Cyrila did not come– We got rather anxious at 7 when Hy was not home & at ½ past Giovanni went off in search of him. However he came in at 8 bringing Cerruti to dine & they told us the Duke had been elected by 191 against 27 for Montpensier, that the streets had been full of troops but there had been no disturbance of the peace—that once the Republicans threatened, in their despair, to rush out of the Cortès & appeal to the mob but were calmed down by the other members—that Zorilla the President, lost his temper in trying to maintain order broke 4 or 5 silver bells & had at last a great copper one brought in. Hill told me that she missed a little box with all her trinkets. I told her to look again & make sure of it.

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