0Monday. 16th [January 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 January 1871 — Madrid
Monday. 16th [January 1871]. I had a lesson of Grau. Brehm called & before that Mme Balfe to thank me for sending Hill to enquire after her daughter the Dss de Frias & to ask for some barley water & beef tea. After luncheon I wrote & finished the first book of copying for Henry, & spent the rest of the day in running about the house arranging the rooms & fires—with Mr Ffrench trying to get the house warm for the evening. Mr Ff stayed & dined & afterwards I & Adeline dressed for the eveng. A good many people came but not so many as last Monday & we had very few girls. However dancing was kept up till ½ past 1 & Mr Ff led the cotillion with Mme Martorelli, he & I having concocted & prepared the figures together in the afternoon. At 2 I went to bed very tired.

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