0Thursday. 2nd [February 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 February 1871 — Madrid
Thursday. 2nd [February 1871]. Got up after breakfast & wrote a lot of letters. After lunch Henry went out riding & I driving. I went to see Mme de Martino whom I found better & up. I saw Mme Sonnino & her husband there & sat some time with them. I called on Mme Ettling but did not find her—then I went to Mme Prim & went up to see her– I found her better & she talked a great deal she said she is soon going to change from her present house in the Barquillo & I tried to persuade her to take a little air. She spoke of the Queens arrival & then said in relation to the King—“Ah il nous a couté cher!” I said he was very popular at which she turned round & said fiercely “Qu’il fasse attention si non ou le tuera aussi”– I came away quite sad– I then called at Dss de Tetuan to enquire after her sick child & then on the de Ayltons whom I had not seen since the death of their cousin the Dss de Frias. They were very sad & low. I sat some time with them & then walked home & found M. & Me Bernar & their 2 children had come to see me. Mr Spencer also came but as we were dining with the Serranos I told him to come tomorrow to lunch & went off to dress. Mr & Mme Moret y Prendergast & Mr & Mrs Zorilla besides a few men & Mr Ff were dining there. I sat between the Marshal & the Duke of Letuccio. A great many people came after dinner & when we left at ¼ to 11 the rooms were full. The Dss was dressed in blue velvet looped up over a white satin petticoat. She looked lovely as usual.

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