0Saturday. 11th [February 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 February 1871 — Madrid
Saturday. 11th [February 1871]. Just as we finished breakfast old Hamilton came to talk to Henry. I wrote a lot of letters. After lunch we went to fetch Emilia & Mr Gayangos & went to see Salamanca the banker’s house. It is large & uncomfortable & chock full of very evident forged enamels porcelains pictures with of course a few good genuine things here & there. His fine pictures are all sold to Lord Dudley & he has nothing but rubbish left. In the evening went to a dance at the Ettlings where we were told that Mme de Martino was very dangerously ill. It did not seem to be known whether it was from “pulmonia” or small pox.

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