0Thursday. 16th [February 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 February 1871 — Madrid
Thursday. 16th [February 1871]. At 10½ M. & Mme Palmaroli came to fetch me & we went off to the photographers & I was photod in a mantilla & afterwards Mme Pal & I came home only by lunch time. We took a drive & walked a little in the Fuente. Emilia & Mr Gayangos came to tea. We went to dine at the Serranos & took Pal: with us. There were the Ulloas, Mme Campo Alanja, & the Marqueses of Ulagares & several men dining. I sat between Serrano and Ulloa. Olozaga was there & at dinner brought out a bit of bread he had had sent him from Paris as a sample of what they had been reduced to eat during the seige. It was very brown & apparently made of mostly saw dust. After dinner there was dancing & a good many people came. We went home at 11.

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