0Thursday. 23rd [March 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 March 1871 — Madrid
Thursday. 23rd [March 1871]. I went to breakfast with the Dss de la T. Found them in a state abt the “Peinetas” & especially angry with Mme Karnicky for having driven yesterday in the Fuente in a high comb & it is said that she made signs to any friend Alfonsist to show them she wore also the comb. As a Ministers wife she had no right to any political demonstration being accredited to the Govt & the King. Both the Duke & Dss seemed very much bothered with all these things besides the quarrels in the Palace between Martos & the Duke of Tetuan & him & Genl Zabala. They sent me home in their carriage as Henry had taken ours to go to the Palace to present a letter to the Queen. He came back very much pleased with her– Thought her pretty amiable agreeable & clever. We did not go out again & Henry gave me some copying for him. At 5 Clarita came & we practised glees till dinner time. Henrys cold bad & we went early to bed–

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