0Sunday. 26th [March 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 March 1871 — Madrid
Sunday. 26th [March 1871]. Henry did not go to church on acct of his cold. After lunch we went to the Concert wh was splendid & they played the Septett beautifully. We heard when there that several people had not gone as there was a report that a “peineta” row was expected—but all went off quietly. It rained afterwards so we could not drive in the Fuente—but there were no high combs at the concert & the affair seems to have quieted down– Messrs Ash, Sey & Go & Emilia dined with us & afterwards we went to Mme Montijo’s; there were several people there but I talked only to Dss of Tetuan & Brunetti.

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