0Monday. 17th [April 1871]—Madrid
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17 April 1871 — Madrid
Monday. 17th [April 1871]. Wrote letters to Eng. to Mrs Hutchins to acknowledge her letter saying she had managed to place Sydney Canning if we would send him to England—also to Ivor to thank him for his of yesterday saying he was going to give me £300 year more– Just as I was going out in the afternoon came Del Cerro to see Henry & to tell him he was to have his audience of the K. & Q. to communicate Pss Louise’s marriage tomorrow. He told us there is the first dinner tonight at the Palace. The Govt & high officials are invited. Henry & Mr S. went out riding, I drove with the M. in the Fuente. We had a small dinner party—Canitz 2—Pedrorena 1—Riaños & Mr Gay: In evening a few people came.

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