0Thursday. 27th [April 1871]—Cordova
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 April 1871 — Cordova
Thursday. 27th [April 1871]. Directly after breakfast we went off with D. Juan Rutledge to the Cathedral. There we met one of his friends a canon called D. Rafael Sierra who is the keeper of the archives & a learned man. He showed us the treasury of the church where there is a beautiful silver custodia by d’Arfe & which Henry considers finer than the one at Seville which is by d’Arfe’s son. We saw also a beautiful enamel chalice which was said to have been made at Cordova & is magnificently enamelled & in laid with precious stones. There are also 3 very fine crosses wh are carried in processions– We went back to the hotel & had some luncheon & went to the station abt 2 to go to Seville– On arriving on the platform we were informed that the train was 3 hours behind time. The Govr whom we met there offered me his carriage to return to the hotel. I preferred waiting at the station & sat reading in the Station Master’s office. Henry & the M & S. went back to the town– When they returned at 4 we had some coffee– At last at nearly 5 we got off—in the train we found M. Bernar & his boy also en route for Seville. We had a comparatively cool journey & it was abt 9 & dark when we arrived. Mr Williams met us & took us to the rooms he had got us at the Hotel de Madrid. We had dinner & went early to bed. This hotel was over a great palace & the sitting room we have faces a beautiful old black wooden roof with gold ornaments– There is a charming patio with old columns & in the dining room some good old Moorish tiles. The house formerly belonged to some grandee.

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