0Wednesday. 16th August 1871—London
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 August 1871 — London
Wednesday. 16th August 1871. We got up & breakfasted early and about 9 went to the Charing X Station where we joined Mrs Burr & Arthur & took our places in the railway carriage & went down to Dover in 2 hours. When we got on board the steamer we [found] there Mrs Rate waiting for us having secured a charming deck cabin. There she & I installed ourselves & prepared to defy the briny on our backs. There was a total calm & I soon found that far from any qualms I was quite hungry & was glad to benefit by the mutton pies which had been provided by the M’s cook– What with eating, reading & dozing the 4 hours soon slipped away but as we neared Ostend the sea was not quite so smooth & I was obliged to sustain Alice Rate with sal volatile & bathe her face with Eau de Cologne. We were very pleased to land at Ostend & to try our teeth on some very tough roast bif with wh we managed to blunt the sharpest edges of our appetite & we then proceeded to Bruxelles. We arrived there an hour late & Mrs Burr, Alice, Hill & I bundled into a fiacre & leaving Henry & Arthur to see to the luggage, went off to secure our rooms at the Hotel de Flandres. We had telegraphed from Ostend for our rooms as we should not have got any as there were so many tourists. Alice was very much exhausted so she got her dinner in her room & went to bed. We dined down in the public room & went early to bed first writing a line to Grannie to announce our safe arrival at Brussels–

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