0Sunday. 27th August [1871]—Ischl
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 August 1871 — Ischl
Sunday. 27th August [1871]. Got up rather late & had to rush off [to] church at once. Service is held in a small chalet in the garden. After church I went down to the town with Connie while she paid some visits & got some Vienna gloves. We came back to dinner & Connie & L dining with P. & Pss Christian. Henry & I dined with the Childers’ who are staying here. After dinner when Connie came back from church the Pss asked me to go in the carriage with her & Connie. We left her at Pce Waldeck’s chalet & then Connie & I went on for a drive. On the road we passed the Empress of Austria walking with her baby. On our return she was still walking & I got a good look at her. She is very tall & graceful & still lovely. At 6½ we got back to the chalet & picked up the Pss & the Pce who was also there. At 8 o’cl: we went to tea up stairs with the P. & Pss. We met the P’s two maiden sisters & had a very amusing evening & the Pss gave me some of her photos. We took leave of her at a little after 9 & went & sat in Connie’s room. The Pss seemed rather unwell & Connie said she thought her rather unwell & shivery but she was to see the Dr. We sat for some time in Connie’s & there came the 2 old Princesses as they wanted to hear what the Dr said abt an expedition they were all to make tomorrow. He advised its being given up.

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