0Saturday. 23rd September [1871]—Florence
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 September 1871 — Florence
Saturday. 23rd September [1871]. Miss MaCleod came down to see us at breakfast time & we promised to go & see her tomorrow. After breakfast Janet Ross suddenly appeared to call on us. Henry & I wrote letters & then Mr Sloane took Hy to see some Villa he is repairing. I was to have gone out with Mrs Sloane but we dawdled till Henry returned when he made us go out & went with us. We went to the stables & also saw the great wine vats & then paid a visit to the Fattoria where the Fattore’s wife received us with great delight & showed us all over from the kitchen to the garret & gave us apples & grapes out of the store room. In the kitchen we spied a basket of figs & set to work to eat some to the good woman’s delight who kept saying “Who would have thought of this che miracolo.” &c. After our 5 o’cl dinner there came from Florence a Mme Mariana Rodriguez & her 4 children. She had been an old playmate of Henry’s & was very pleased to meet him. We all walked & sat in the garden & after 9 o’cl tea Mr Sloane sent them back to Florence in his carriage.

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