0Tuesday. 3rd October [1871]—Menton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 October 1871 — Menton
Tuesday. 3rd October [1871]. Left Mentone between 8 & 9 o’cl & went by train to Marseilles. As we got near Nice at a station called Eze we saw the debris of some railway carriage & we afterwards found out that an accident had taken place there on the eveng of 27th by a stone wh had rolled down on the line & upset the train killing two people & severely wounding 2 more. The sight of the pieces of the carriages revived very unpleasantly the remembrance of the accident we were in on 20th Aug. We had a very slow & tedious journey & were glad abt 7 o’cl to get to the end of our journey. We went to the Grand Hotel des Louvre et de la Paix.

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