0Sunday. 7th January [1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 January 1872 — Madrid
Sunday. 7th January [1872]. We both were down at church, I as usual playing the harmonium. We had for the first time the new lessons. Poor old Whyte made a great bungle abt the collection before the communion. He & Col Fitch came up to luncheon & took some wine & mincepie with us. We went at two to the quartett concert given by Monasterio in the “Salon del Conservatorio.” A great many people there. Mme de Canitz & B. Aylton sat with us. Afterwards Henry & I walked to the Bauers & found her at home. Henry went to dine at the American Legation at a dinner given by Miss & Mrs Sickles (grandma) & Mr Adee. I stayed at home to entertain our own Legation who always dine with us on Sundays—they went away early & I went to bed–

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