0Thursday. 18th January [1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 January 1872 — Madrid
Thursday. 18th January [1872]. I had rather a cold so did not go out. Monasterio came to see us—also Mr Ff: & Mme Maguiro– Monasterio tells us he is going to give a quintett of Schumann’s next Sunday yet unknown here– He is such a nice little man—very dark & delicate looking with wavy hair—speaks French very well & understands English. We dined with the Canitz, & met Dubsky, the Mendez Leals, Adee, Ittersum & Street & the Secy               . We left them early & went for a moment to the Serranos—found there only the Iranzos who looked in an awful fright lest I should resent their intrusion of a Monday week. She praised my hair, my gown & ornaments & was most servile! We thence went to Mme de Vinent’s ball where was all the world & his wife—& all the grand monde– An awful crowd, tremendous heat & blazes of diamonds– The whole house was thrown open—bed rooms, dressing rooms bath rooms & all– There were Sr Vinent’s razors & Mme V.’s hair pins & all arrangements for the toilette of man, woman & child. We stayed abt an hour & then got home–

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