0Tuesday. 13th [February 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 February 1872 — Madrid
Tuesday. 13th [February 1872]. At abt 11 I got up & went down to lie on the sofa in my own room. Henry took out Mrs H. & Mme Pal: to the Prado. I had a headache tho’ not so very bad & after dinner I managed to get up & we went to the French Embassy & on to the Alcañices ball– A great many ladies wore their hair powdered. I did not stay long. A pouring wet night. The house is a fine one, tho’ like all houses in Madrid the rooms are too long & narrow– The old tapestry was all covered with yellow silk with trellis work of gold & covered with ivy the effect was very good.

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