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17 February 1872 — Madrid | |
Saturday. 17th February [1872]. At 5 o’clock the two little Hamilton girls came here to have tea with us & to be dressed for the fancy dress ball for children wh we had this evening. We dined at 8 & the children had tea with us– Directly after I & Hill set to work to dress them. The eldest Carie we dressed as a shepherdess in a white dress with a pink satin tunic trimmed with blue satin, hair powdered, a small hat on one side & a staff with ribbons & a wreath of roses– The 2nd Ada was as a peacock butterfly. A white dress with a tunic of black satin & yellow satin covered with colored eyes & a black & red body– With antennae on her head made of whalebone fixed to a rosette. She also had spangled wings. I had to dress myself in a desperate hurry as people began to arrive at 8. Most of the children were very well got up & quite regardless of expense. The Dss de la Torre’s 5 were very well dressed. Conchita as Dame de Trèfles. Pepita as an old fashioned maja with crimson satin petticoat trimmed with black lace & velvet bell trimming. She wore a black hair all in ringlets over her head—a high tortoiseshell comb with a Lisle lace white mantilla. Ventura was “Folly” with a satin blue & white gown trimmed with bells– Leopoldo as Pierrot & Parco a Biscayan peasant. Isabellita Prim was St Etoile du Nord in black tarlatan with silver stars & immense diamond stars in her hair– The Manzanera child a boy of 6 or 7 was an incroyable perfectly got up in wig, books, coat watch & seals. The Lilburn boy Saint Just with mauve satin coat. Mme Jooris’ 2 little girls of 3 & 4 came as le Marquis et la Marquise– The elder Leonie as the Marquis in black velvet coat with lace ruffles—knee breeches—powdered hair satin waistcoat, a 3 cornered hat under her arm & a snuff book in her hand. La Marquise wore a short waisted brocade gown with a train to it—a black velvet hat covered with her mothers diamonds & pearls. But poor little thing she got very tired & could do nothing but sit & contemplate herself. All the children behaved very well & there was not one cry or quarrel. They were all gone by 12 o’cl. | |
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