0Thursday. 29th [February 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 February 1872 — Madrid
Thursday. 29th [February 1872]. We got up earlier so that we might breakfast at 9 punct for Henry to go & take a walk for an hour wh he did & I employed the time in practising the guitar– Young Zuluaga came to see us & Henry gave him letters for people in England as he is going to take over the great iron chest which he & his father have made for Mr Alfred Morrison & which cost £5000 & is inlaid with gold &c– We went to see it yesterday. It struck me as a fine piece of work but the design is wanting in force & the details are weak. At luncheon Mr Ffrench came in– At 3 I went to see Mme Bauer & found her on the sofa most elegantly dressed in a white poplin peignoir with white silk bows & white feather trimming. Her mother was with her, a very handsome old lady– Mme L Rochefoucauld & daughter were there & also came Mme Licia so I did not stay long. I went to call on Mme Koudriaffsky & finding her at her door just going out I went straight off to the Museum & picked up Henry. We left a few cards & then came home– We had 12 members of the Academy of S. Fernando to dinner amongst which were Marquis of Monistrol, Palmaroli, Gato de Lema (or de Angola as Henry calls him) & Ribera– Mr Gay. & the Hunts came in after dinner & helped to entertain & they stayed chatting till 11½.

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